Having Cannabis Can Be Risky

Everyone’s reaction to cannabis could be different depending on sex, age, medical conditions, THC and CBD content, way of consumption (inhalation and ingestion), and more. Additionally, Individual responses to cannabis differ. If someone carries health issues, Having cannabis can be risky. So advice from an expert, deciding when to have cannabis can be risky.
However, you can ask support staff for recommendations at any legal cannabis store when choosing the right product. The right cannabis product that suits have a tolerable THC and CBD level for your needs. So that you can avoid or minimize the risk of using cannabis.
Guide: When consuming cannabis can be risky
Except for medical consultant’s recommendations, Cannabis use may lead to a wide range of health effects on the body and brain.
Individuals Who Should Avoid Using Cannabis? If:
You are Driving
Like other drugs or alcohol, Cannabis can delay reaction time and ability to make decisions.
Why so, because its use can :
- lead to impair your coordination, attention, and reaction time.
- second most common drug linked to car accidents, after alcohol.
During Pregnancy, Breastfeeding
Cannabis could be harmful to both mom and baby. Moms who are using high doses of cannabis and mixing it with tobacco have a high risk of having premature babies.
Otherside, cannabinoids, especially THC, pass into breastmilk, and can remain for weeks in a baby’s brain and fat cells once entered.
Cannabis use during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding may have:
- harm the developing fetus and risk of having a premature baby
- lower birth weight, lower alertness, and slower growth in babies
- nagetively effect on attention, memory, and problem-solving.
- sleep disturbance and poorer school performance
Health conditions
People with heart conditions are at greater risk if they use cannabis. So, it is a must to consult your doctors before using cannabis. Cannabis may interact with drugs that you are taking either prescribed by the doctor or other non-prescription or herbal products.
Such as health issues with using cannabis:
- Increased heart rate can be dangerous for people who have a heart condition.
- damaging of blood vessels due to heavy smoking
- for a long time and frequently can cause psychotic issues(paranoia, delusions, or hallucinations).
Cannabis may also interact with drugs such as: antiretroviral for treating HIV/AIDS, anti-depressants, some stomach acid inhibitors, some antibiotics, and antifungals.
Someone also who should avoid cannabis
- Men who want to be fathers because Cannabis can reduce sperm count, sperm mobility, and sperm concentration, leading to abnormal sperm structure.
- People with a personal or family history of depression Cannabis may also worsen the symptoms of depression.
- Users with serious liver, kidney, heart, or lung disease
Otherways, How Cannabis Can Affect You?
These are some more Common risks that may have using cannabis:
- Instant overuse may cause cannabis poisoning.
- Frequent use can negatively affect health, social life, school, working space, and finances.
- Cannabis use disorder when someone is unable to stop using cannabis, especially those who start during youth or adolescence.
- Cannabis use disorder when someone is unable to stop using cannabis, especially those who start during youth or adolescence.